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Estate Management Department

    Implement tasks related to the management of the Region's estate, management of means from the exclusion of land from agricultural production and keep records of the Region's property and income.

    Basic tasks of the department include:

    1. With respect to estate management:
      1. purchase immoveable goods for the benefit of the regional property resource,
      2. manage the Register of Immoveable Goods, in particular with respect to the goods that do not belong to any organisational unit of the Region,
      3. manage the properties belonging to the regional estate and determine receivables due to sales, perpetual usufruct, permanent management, use, lease, rent,
      4. implement tasks under the Act on Transforming Right of Perpetual Usufruct into Ownership Title,
      5. adjust in land registers the legal status of property for the benefit of the Region,
      6. exercise supervision over the self-government organisational units of the Region in terms of management of immoveable goods,
      7. prepare draft resolutions on lease, rent, and sales of tangible assets of the Region's self-government organisational units in close co-operation with the competent Departments,
      8. administration of developed and undeveloped real estate included in the Region's real estate resources,
      9. conducting procedures related to the establishment of easement rights,
      10. conducting procedures related to the management of land owned by the State Treasury in the scope of water management - clarification of ownership rights and ongoing management of land covered by flowing waters or occupied by water facilities by the Marshal of the Region.
    2. With respect to protection of agricultural area:
      1. prepare resolutions of the Management Board, specifying the rules for co-financing the works related to the protection, recultivation, and the improvement of quality of agricultural area,
      2. develop and implement resolutions of the Regional Parliament as regards the management of budget appropriations of the Wielkopolska Region related to the exclusion of land from agricultural production,
      3. develop draft resolutions of the Management Board as regards the determination of the list of tasks approved to be co-financed by budget appropriations of the Wielkopolska Region related to the exclusion of land from agricultural production,
      4. implement tasks under the resolutions approved by the competent authorities of the Self-Government of the Wielkopolska Region related to the exclusion of land from agricultural production,
      5. prepare draft resolutions of the Regional Parliament, decisions of the Management Board and the Marshal with respect to the cancellation, instalment, and deferral of the receivables and charges due to the exclusion from agricultural production,
    3. Manage the accounting records for the estate of the Region, including
      1. assets from investment implementation of the Region,
      2. assets following the liquidation of a Region's organisational unit or transformation or transfer by regional units as redundant for further management,
      3. balance and off-balance records of the assets acquired/disposed by the Region that have been, or are to be, measured,
      4. accounting books with respect to the Region's estate and income obtained due to the management of the regional property as well as maps and other information obtained through sale that are included in the resource of the Region, and the charges related to the management of the resource base, as well as income due to the materials made available by the Marshal of the Region that belong to the Main Surveying and Cartographic Resource Base, along with the materials made available by the heads of districts that belong to the Regional Surveying and Cartographic Resource, on the basis of the  principles under the Act on Surveying and Cartography Law,
      5. accounting records of balances in accordance with budget classification, including:
        • receivables and liabilities resulting from the current activity of the Region due to property management,
        • receivables and liabilities due to the management of developed and undeveloped property of the Region,
        • revenues from the sales of maps and other information included in the resource of the Region, as well as charges for the activities related to the management of the resource in question, as well as income due to materials made available by the Marshal of the Region that belong to the Main Surveying and Cartographic Resource, along with the materials made available by the heads of districts that belong to the Regional Surveying and Cartographic Resource, on the basis of the principles under the Act on Surveying and Cartography Law,
      6. ensure timely collection of receivables under concluded civil law contract related to the management of the regional estate,
      7. enforce the Region's receivables due to regional estate management,
      8. prepare financial statements with respect to the balance and off-balance records,
      9. prepare budget records as regards income and receivables in terms of the management of regional estate and due to the sales of maps and other information of the Region's resource, as well as the charges related to the maintenance of the resource in question,
      10. see to it that formal and accounting documents that serve as a basis for the mobilisation of funds remaining at the disposal of the Department due to the tasks performed are accurate,
      11. prepare the necessary documents for the preparation of monthly VAT return,
      12. prepare draft financial plans for draft budget as regards the part related to the tasks of the Department,
      13. analyse and review applications for exemptions and cancellations in terms of receivables of the Wielkopolska Region and the State Treasury, which are not covered by the application of the provisions of the Tax Ordinance Act, and prepare reports with this respect,
      14. prepare information about the state of the property of the Wielkopolska Region

    The organisational structure of the Estate Management Department includes:

    • Estate Management and Legal Regulation Division                
    • Estate Management Division                        
    • Agricultural Area Protection Division                        
    • Shared work position for administrative and organisational matters    
    • Division for Estate Accounting Records       
    • Estate Management Division


    al. Niepodległości 34
    61-714 Poznań
    secretariat - room 1144
    Phone No.: +48 61 626 65 40
    Fax No.: +48 61 626 65 41

    Department Director
    Jakub Sadowski

    Deputy Director
    Julian Nejman