trwa ładowanie strony
wczytywanie strony

The Chancellery of the Regional Parliament

    Competences of the Chancellery

    The Chancellery is a department of the Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region in Poznań. It provides organizational and office services to the Regional Parliament, the President, Vice-Presidents of the Regional Parliament, commissions and parliamentary clubs, and it drafts the annual work plan of the Parliament and its commissions. It also keeps registers of the activities of the Regional Parliament, i.e. the register of resolutions, proposals of commissions, questions and inquiries of the Members of the Parliament and their declarations of assets.

    One of the Chancellery’s crucial tasks involves the implementation of the Parliament’s resolutions, proposals of commissions and questions of the Members of the Parliament. The Department is also responsible for submitting resolutions of the Parliament, questions and inquiries of the Members of the Parliament, proposals of commissions to the Marshal and for submitting resolutions of the Parliament – acts of the local law – to the competent promulgation bodies and to the Governor of the Wielkopolska Region and to the Regional Accounting Chamber, if applicable. The Chancellery supervises the implementation of the Parliament’s resolutions by the departments of the Marshal Office and by regional self-government organizational units and is responsible for keeping and storing documentation on the activities of the Parliament, including the Parliament’s resolutions, proposals of commissions and questions of the Members of the Parliament and protocols from the sessions of the Parliament and of its commissions.

    The Department also carries out works with the Region's membership in the Union of the Polish Regions, and cooperates with the Regional Branch of the National Electoral Office during elections to the Regional Parliament and in case of changes in the composition of the Regional Parliament during its term of office. It also supervising the publishing of the self-governmental magazine “Monitor Wielkopolski”


    al. Niepodległości 34
    61-714 Poznań
    secretariat - room 846
    Phone No.: +48 61 626 70 30
    Fax No.: +48 61 626 70 31

    acting Deputy Director
    Marcin Smolnicki

    Deputy Director
    Małgorzata Ziarnek