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wczytywanie strony

Adam Bogrycewicz

    Adam Bogrycewicz

    Date of birth:



    Councillors Club:

    Prawo i Sprawiedliwość


    Functions performed in the Regional Parliament:

    • Regional Development Strategy and International Cooperation Committee – Vice-Chairman
    • Spatial Planning and Technical Infrastructure Committee
    • Culture Committee


    Local government/parliamentary experience:

    Since 2018, Councillor of the Wielkopolska Regional Parliament. The most hard-working and active councillor in terms of budget amendments, interpellations and questions. He effectively worked on the new Development Strategy of the Wielkopolska Region, with the region's development model changed to take into account differences in the pace of development of subregions and support areas requiring special intervention. He always stands up for people and their causes. He opposes injustice, exclusion and marginalization of the weaker. He is very much involved in road investments and modernization of provincial roads.

    A representative of three Voivodes of the Wielkopolska Region on the Social Council of the Specialist Hospital in Piła, a member of the Social Committee for the Construction of the Independence Monument in Trzcianka. He served as the President of the Polish Fishing Association Municipal Club in Trzcianka, the largest fishing club in the Piła district, which then included approximately 600 anglers.

    As a student of the Secondary School in Trzcianka, he served as a vice-chairman of the Czarnków-Trzcianka District Youth Council.


    Professional experiences:

    In 2013 he founded a business - a publishing house, the services provided also include marketing, PR, preparation of analyses, reports, and various databases.

    Assistant to such Members of the European Parliament as prof.  Zdzisław Krasnodębski and Ryszard Czarnecki, Assistant to Krzysztof Czarnecki, a Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, Director of the Parliamentary Office of Marcin Porzuck, a Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland. The editor-in-chief and a journalist of Tygodnik Notecki. TV Asta journalist. Employee of the Municipal Office in Trzcianka. During his student days, he was a warehouse worker in DIY stores in Piła.



    Politics, history, media, fishing, hunting