The Wielkopolska Region is one of the most economically developed regions in Poland, consistently taking (according to a number of economic statistical indicators) the 3rd position in the country. It is characterized by a high concentration of foreign capital engaged in the region and high investment outlays per capita. The economic situation of the region is a consequence of its steady development with a significant degree of industrialization and a high level of technology. The factors supporting rapid economic development still include the high potential of local human capital, as well as good transport connections, an extensive business environment and traditions of industrial and commercial culture.
Science plays an important role in the dynamic development of the region and an increase in its economic competitiveness, which, together with business and local governments, transforms Wielkopolska into an innovative region, developing its economy based on knowledge. Wielkopolska is developing advanced technologies, including: the areas of IT, automotive industry and highly specialized services. There have also been proposals for new pillars of the region's development based on renewable energy sources and the use of hydrogen. The challenges resulting from climate change and their economic and social consequences are the basis for the currently implemented restructuring processes of the region's economic potential. Smart Specializations of Wielkopolska remain priority areas for the development of the region's economy from the point of view of pursuing pro-innovation policy:
In the first quarter of 2024, the professionally active population included 1,677 thousand people (a decrease by 1.1%, as compared to the same period in 2023). There were 1,140,000 economically inactive people ( an increase by 2.2%). The professional activity rate was 59.9%, 4th position in the country.
GDP volume (projection in % according to Statistics Poland data for 2021/verified 2023.)
The GDP of the Wielkopolska Region is comparable to or higher than the GDP of a number of European Union countries (Bulgaria, Lithuania or Slovenia) and a number of developed European regions (Picardy/France, Marche/Italy or Styria/Austria).
In June 2024, the REGON register for the Wielkopolska Region included 511,742 entities of the national economy (excluding individual farms in the agricultural sector), including 372.8 thousand natural persons running a business - 3rd position in the country (after the Masovian and Silesian regions) (GROWTH by 3.0% per year)).
The size of national economy entities by the number of employees:
in June 2024 it amounted to 855.1 thousand people and decreased slightly, as compared to the average level in 2023 by 0.4%
Sectors with the highest employment levels:
Sectors with the lowest employment levels:
The Wielkopolska Region is characterized by the lowest level of unemployment in Poland. At the end of June 2024, there were 45.6 thousand unemployed in the records of district labour offices. - the unemployment rate was 2.9%. The Wielkopolska Region consistently had the lowest unemployment rate (national average - 4.9%).
The average monthly gross salary in the enterprise sector in June 2024 was PLN 7,301.98 and maintained a slight upward trend throughout the year (12th position in the country).
Constant trends in the pace of economic development:
Indicators of a positive economic climate:
Periodic indicators of a negative economic climate
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