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wczytywanie strony

Jacek Bogusławski

    Jacek Bogusławski

    Date of birth:



    Councillors Club: 

    Platforma Obywatelska


    Functions performed in the Regional Parliament:

    • Economy Committee
    • Culture Committee
    • Physical Culture and Tourism Committee
    • Environmental Protection and Water Management Committee


    Local government/parliamentary experience:

    Since November 2018, he has been a member of the management board of the Wielkopolska Region, he supervises the work of the Department of Economy, the Department of Environmental Management and Climate, the Department of Environmental Use and Information and the Department of Sport and Tourism. Councillor of the Wielkopolska Region. MBA graduate - energy and climate policy management.

    Since 2019, he has been the Chairman of the Wielkopolska Hydrogen Platform, a platform for exchanging experiences and initiating activities to build the economic potential of the Wielkopolska Region, allowing it to achieve the status of a leader in the area of ​​the economy related to the use of hydrogen technologies.

    He is one of the initiators of signing the declaration of the creation of the Wielkopolska Hydrogen Valley, enabling the creation of a coordinated and integrated ecosystem of connections supporting the development of technology, knowledge, business and education, contributing to the decarbonization of the economy towards climate neutrality, while respecting the social challenges related to the transformation.

    Additionally, he is responsible for contacts with the Wielkopolska Council of Thirty (WR30), representing economic self-government organizations, and since September 2020 he has been a member of the Wielkopolska Regional Council of the Future Industry. Moreover, since August 2022, he has been a member of the Economic Area Development Council of the Kostrzyn-Słubice Special Economic Zone.


    Professional experiences:

    In the years 2010–2018, he was a councillor of the Piła City Council, chairman of the municipal economy committee. A former entrepreneur, he belonged to the Business Centre Club and the Chamber of Commerce of Northern Wielkopolska. In 2014–2019, he served as a member of the management board and deputy chairman of the PRGOK Intermunicipal Association. Until 2018, he had been a member of the board of the “Krajna nad Notecią” LAG.

    From 2013 to 2018, he had served as the president of the National Association of Road Participants “Świadomy Bezpieczny”. He also initiated many actions, including: Civic Air Quality Monitoring Network in Northern Wielkopolska and numerous football and chess tournaments.



    A lover of hydrogen and modern technologies.