trwa ładowanie strony
wczytywanie strony

Joanna Szczechowska

    Joanna Szczechowska

    Date of birth:



    Councillors Club:

    Prawo i Sprawiedliwość – a Vice-Chairwoman


    Functions performed in the Regional Parliament:

    • Health and Public Safety Committee - a Vice-Chairwoman
    • Physical Culture and Tourism Committee
    • Spatial Planning and Technical Infrastructure Committee


    Local government/parliamentary experience:

    Since 2024, Councillor of the Wielkopolska Regional Parliament


    Professional experiences:

    • The Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region (Chancellery of the Regional Parliament) – 2015
    • The Wielkopolska Region Office (including an Advisor to the Wielkopolska Voivode) 2015-2019
    • A parliamentary office of Zbigniew Hoffmann, a member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (Director of the Office) 2019-2022
    • A Regional Plenipotentiary of the Secretary General of Law and Justice 2022-2023
    • The Chancellery of the Prime Minister (the Head of the Cabinet of the Minister, a member of the Council of Ministers for Security) 2022-2023
    • A parliamentary office of Zbigniew Hoffmann, a member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, since 2024



    history, philosophy, football, mountain tourism, automotive industry