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wczytywanie strony

Marek Woźniak

    Marek WoźniakDate of birth:


    Councillors Club:
    Platforma Obywatelska


    Functions performed in the Regional Parliament:

    Budget Committee


    Local government/parliamentary experience:

    • In the years 1994 - 1998 a councillor of the Suchy Las Commune
    • In 1998-2005, a councillor of Poznan Poviat
    • Since 2006, a councillor of the Wielkopolska Region


    Professional experiences:

    • An archeology graduate at the Faculty of History of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.
    • He also graduated from Postgraduate Studies in Local Government at the Faculty of Law of the Adam Mickiewicz University  in Poznan and Postgraduate Studies in Politics and Local Management at the Faculty of Sociology of the Adam Mickiewicz University  in Poznan.
    • In 1990-1994, the Secretary of the Suchy Las Commune
    • Since 1994, a plenipotentiary of the Poznan Voivode for the public procurement system and editor-in-chief of the Wielkopolska Public Procurement Bulletin
    • Since 1998, the Head of the District Office in Poznan and plenipotentiary for the creation of the Poznan Poviat
    • Since 1999, he has been a member of the Poznan Poviat Board
    • In 2002 - 2005, a Deputy Staroste of Poznan Poviat
    • Since 2005, Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region, for six consecutive terms



    • Travel, not necessarily along the beaten path.
    • Non-fiction, biographies and reportages, especially by Ryszard Kapuściński and Andrzej Stasiuk.
    • Photographing architecture.