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wczytywanie strony

Marian Poślednik

    Marian Poślednik

    Date of birth:



    Councillors Club:

    Platforma Obywatelska


    Functions performed in the Regional Parliament:

    • Agriculture and Rural Development Committee
    • Physical Culture and Tourism Committee
    • Spatial Planning and Technical Infrastructure Committee


    Local government/parliamentary experience:

    • The Mayor of the Pępowo Commune in 1990-1998
    • A councillor of the Pępowo Commune in the years 1990-2002
    • The Chairman of the Pępowo Commune Council in 2001-2002
    • A councillor of the Wielkopolska Regional Parliament in 2002-2011
    • A member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland of the 3rd term in 1997-2001
    • A senator of the Republic of Poland of the 8th and 9th terms in 2011-2019


    Professional experiences:

    • A senior specialist – Experimental Department of the Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization in Smolice
    • The Chairman of the Management Board - Intermunicipal Tourist Association “Wielkopolska Gościnna”
    • A member of the Management Board – Racot Stud Farm Sp. z o. o.
    • The President of the Management Board at the Local Action Group “Gościnna Wielkopolska”



    Rural development, sports and tourism, viticulture, politics