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Paulina Stochniałek

    Paulina Stochniałek

    Date of birth:



    Councillors Club:

    Platforma Obywatelska


    Functions performed in the Regional Parliament:

    • Education and Science Committee – a Chairwoman
    • Budget Committee
    • Economy Committee
    • Family and Social Policy Committee
    • Health and Public Safety Committee


    Local government/parliamentary experience:

    • In 2018-2024 - a councillor of the Wielkopolska Region
    • In 2020-2024 - a member of the Board of the Wielkopolska Region


    Professional experiences:

    25 years of business experience in the areas of financial management and HR in the private and public sectors



    • The focus is on man as an inhabitant, as an individual, with particular emphasis on women's support.
    • Mountain hikes and walks on the beach.