trwa ładowanie strony
wczytywanie strony

Tomasz Ławniczak

    Tomasz ŁawniczakDate of birth:



    Councillors Club:

    Prawo i Sprwiedliwość


    Functions performed in the Regional Parliament:

    • Spatial Planning and Technical Infrastructure Committee – Chairman
    • Budget Committee


    Local government/parliamentary experience:

    • 1990-1994 – a Councillor of the Commune and City Council of Nowe Skalmierzyce, a Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, a member of the Commune Management Board
    • 1998-2002 – a Councillor of the Ostrów Poviat Council, the Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, a member of the Poviat Board since 2001
    • 2006-2010 – a Councillor of the Ostrów Poviat Council
    • 2010-2014 – a Councillor of the Ostrów Poviat Council, an Ostrów Vice-Staroste
    • 2014-2015 – a Councillor of the Ostrów Poviat Council, an Ostrów Vice-Staroste
    • 2015-2019 – a Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
    • 2019-2023 – a Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, the Chairman of the Territorial Self-Government and Regional Policy Committee


    Professional experiences:

    • 1986-1992 – WSK PZL Kalisz Vocational School Complex – a history and social studies teacher
    • 1992-1997 – Education Board in Kalisz – an inspector
    • 1997-2005 – Primary School in Gostyczyn – the school principal
    • 2006-2007 – Deputies and Senators' Office of MPs Andrzej Dera and Zbigniew Trybuła - the director of the office
    • 2007-2010 - Senator’ Office of MP Andrzej Dera - the director of the office
    • 2010-2015 – District Office in Ostrów Wielkopolski - a Deputy Staroste of Ostrów
    • 2015-2023 – a Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
    • 2023 (XI-XII) – a Senator's Office of MP Jan Dziedziczak – an office employee
    • 2024 – a Parliamentary Office of MP Marlena Maląg – an office employee



    history, the role of local government in contemporary society, hiking, cycling and kayaking