Paweł Owsianny
Date of birth:
Councillors Club:
Platforma Obywatelska
Functions performed in the Regional Parliament:
- Statutory Committee - Vice-Chairman
- Education and Science Committee
- Culture Committee
- Environmental Protection and Water Management Committee
- Regional Development Strategy and International Cooperation Committee
- Health and Public Safety Committee
Local government/parliamentary experience:
- a councillor of the Złotów Poviat Council (2018-2024),
- a member of the Złotów Poviat Board (2018- 2022)
Professional experiences:
- An expert in the field of environmental protection and water management, functioning of aquatic, forest and peat ecosystems, a PhD in biological sciences, a hydrobiologist-phycologist - national specialist in the taxonomy and ecology of dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) - together with German researchers, he described the species and varieties of algae in the Tatra Mountains, the author of publications on inland and sea waters (including the Bay of Puck and the southern Baltic Sea). The author of many environmental reports, projects for Natura 2000 areas, protection of reserves and other environmental expertise.
- The Director of the Nadnotecki Institute of Adam Mickiewicz University in Piła (a Vice-Director 2010-2017, the Director since 2017). Previously, he had worked at the Department of Hydrobiology and the Department of Geomorphology of Adam Mickiewicz University. He completed his master's degree with honours in Environmental Protection at the Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, and his bachelor's degree in this field at the Faculty of Geographic and Geological Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University. Postgraduate studies - a research and development project manager at WSB Merito University (former University of Business) in Poznan. MBA studies - University Management at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and the Poznan University of Economics (in progress).
- An expert in the field of mathematics and science education and outdoor education. A chief specialist of the Teacher Improvement Centre in Piła (since 2018). The author and a co-author of publications in the field of nature, outdoor and competence education (including the head of the grant of the National Centre for Research and Development implemented at the Nadnotecki Institute of Adam Mickiewicz University in Piła in cooperation with the Teachers' Improvement Centre in Piła). A co-author of the Pedagogical University of the Second Age in Piła.
- An expert in the field of environmental health, covering the relationship between human health (public health) and the state of the environment. A co-founder of the Krok po Kroku HSA Foundation and Association (a Vice-President until 2024) dealing with social rehabilitation through diving of people with disabilities (OzN), people at risk of social exclusion on the only floating Diving Rehabilitation Base in the world, fully adapted to the needs of OzN on the Płotki Lake (Płocie) in Piła. A diving instructor, including diving for people with disabilities. He also worked for pharmaceutical companies Merc, AstraZeneca, Polpharma, Ratiopharm, he was responsible for building good relationships with health care workers and pharmacists in northern and north-western Poland.
- An expert in tourism, especially water tourism. A diving instructor (as above), a kayaking and sailing instructor. A member of the Program Council and in 2013-2019, the President of the Ecological and Tourist Organization of Northern Wielkopolska “Dolina Noteci”. The implementer of many tourist and educational projects. A trainer and sailing instructor for children and teenagers at the Archipelago of Development in Złotów. A guide of tourist trips (Słoneczna Przygoda Travel Agency in Piła), a manager and educator at camps (Camp Adventure, Archipelago of Development). The charity sightseeing trips he conducts for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity are auctioned every year for PLN 8,000-12,000.
- He supports culture. The creator and curator of the Gallery at the Nadnotecki Institute of Adam Mickiewicz University in Piła.
Diving, kayaking, sailing. Sightseeing tourism. Ethnography. Nature photography. Volunteering.