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Grzegorz Fiałkowski

    Grzegorz Fiałkowski

    Date of birth:



    Councillors Club: 

    Prawo i Sprwiedliwość


    Functions performed in the Regional Parliament:

    • Agriculture and Rural Development Committee – Vice-Chairman
    • Economy Committee
    • Health and Public Safety Committee 


    Local government/parliamentary experience:

    In 2010-2018, he was a councillor of Koło Poviat


    Professional experiences:

    • In the 1990s, commercial activity, sales representative.
    • Since 1999, for several years, the Sales Area Director in the “SOKOŁÓW” S.A. Group, then the Sales Director in two Meat Industry Plants.
    • Since 2007, he has been running a business and his own ecological farm. In 2017-2024, the President of the Management Board of KHBC Sp. z o. o. which includes the Walewice Palace and Stud Farm.



    History, economics, politics, agriculture and organic food