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wczytywanie strony

Jan Grzesiek

    Jan GrzesiekDate of birth:



    Councillors Club:

    Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe – Chairman of the Councillors' Club


    Functions performed in the Regional Parliament:

    • Budget Committee - Chairwoman
    • Physical Culture and Tourism Committee
    • Audit Committee


    Local government/parliamentary experience:

    • A local government member since 1986
    • A representative of the Wielkopolska Regional Parliament to the EU Parliament of Regions
    • The Chairman of the Audit Committee of the National Association of Voivodeships of the Republic of Poland
    • A representative of the Wielkopolska Regional Parliament since 1998, including:
      • The Chairman of the Wielkopolska Regional Parliament: 29.10.2001 - until the end of the first term;
      • A Vice-Chairman of the Wielkopolska Regional Parliament 09.11.1998 - 29.10.2001 and 19.11.2002 - until the end of the second term
      • participation in many committees, including: Sport and Recreation and Tourism, Budget, Economy, Audit, Statutory


    Professional experiences:

    A Polish local government official and banker associated with cooperative banking. An activist - a social worker involved in the local environment. A farmer running his own farm specializing in beekeeping.

    Functions held:

    • An employee of the United People's Party
    • The Head of the General Department of the Commune Office in Jarocin
    • Director, then the President of the Cooperative Bank in Jarocin
    • A Vice-Chairman of the Council of the Economic Association of Bank Wielkopolski SA
    • The Chairman of the Assistance Funds of Cooperative Banks GBW SA
    • A member and then the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the National Association of Cooperative Banks
    • A Vice-President of the Management Board of the National Association of Cooperative Banks
    • A member of the Association Council of the SGB Bank SA Cooperative Banking Group
    • The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SGB Bank SA Cooperative Banking Group
    • A member of the General Assembly of the National Cooperative Council and the Chairman of the Cooperative Finance Committee



    • bee keeping
    • sport and tourism
    • finance and banking