trwa ładowanie strony
wczytywanie strony

The Department of Administration

    The Department of Administration carries out tasks in the field of administrative, financial and accounting services of the Office and the telecommunication service.

    The most important tasks of the Department include:

    1. in terms of administrative service:
      • supply of equipment and facilities, office materials and consumables,
      • Office property insurance and third party liability insurance of the Wielkopolska region,
      • handling of the Office vehicle fleet,
      • coordinating and supervising investments and repairs carried out by the Office,
      • technical and functional maintenance of the used facilities,
      • keeping the facility archive.
    2. in terms of finance and accounting:
      • maintaining accounting records in terms of chapters included in the plan of income and expenditure of the given year,
      • registry of movable property: fixed assets and intangible assets,
      • carrying out the inventory of tangible assets of the Office,
      • accounting of grants from various domestic and foreign sources
      • keeping the accounting records of the assets of the Office,
      • managing the cash economy,
      • preparation of the budget and financial reports,
      • ongoing analysis of funds, expenditure and commitment,
      • keeping the Central Register of Contracts,
      • accounting of the EU projects.
    3. in terms of information technology and telecommunications:
      • administration of information systems, including Electronic Document Circulation, financial and accounting applications, human resources and payroll applications and other software supporting the work of the Office,
      • ensuring the smooth operation of computer hardware and peripheral devices,
      • supply of employees in IT equipment and software,
      • ensuring the proper functioning of database systems, servers and network devices, together with network administration,
      • management of VoIP telephony for the Office,
      • ensuring the accuracy and continuity of the operation of the whole Office for the abovementioned tasks, taking into account the principles contained in the internal rules and regulations of the Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region and external provisions governing the matters of safety and computerization of the Office.


    Al. Niepodległości 34
    61-714 Poznań
    secretariat - room 650
    Phone No.: +48 61 626 69 00
    Fax No.: +48 61 626 69 01

    Jolanta Kozubowicz

    Deputy Director
    Marcin Jabłoński

    Deputy Director
    Rafał Klimek

    Deputy Director
    Joanna Lewińska-Szałek